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Jun 1, 2023
How to help those you love clear their clutter
Every day I work with adults and children who have issues with clutter. And many times I also get to meet their friends and family members.

Apr 15, 2023
Ask me anything: professional clothing donations
Do you have any suggestions for a place to donate professional men’s and women’s clothing and shoes?

Dec 1, 2022
5 satisfying ways to end 2022
Before you dive into the chaos of holiday guests and gatherings, take action with my 5 satisfying ways to end 2022.

Aug 1, 2021
5 simple steps to an organized closet
No one ever wants to hear this but taking everything out of your closet is the first step in closet organization.

Aug 20, 2020
Live online course starts Sept 23
Hey, what are you doing Wednesdays this fall? I am teaching a live online course for Madison College.

Sep 1, 2019
Pssst, it's almost fall
For items that have seen better days, or you no longer love the fit or look, let them go to a new home.

Jul 1, 2019
5 keys to a clutter-free closet
Congrats, you've made the decision to organize your closet. But how do you start? You start by taking everything out! I know no one wants...

Sep 15, 2018
Virtual organizing services now available
I recently began working with clients on projects virtually. What is virtual organizing you might wonder? Simply put it's a process for...

Jan 1, 2018
Control closet chaos in 5 easy steps
My calendar says that January is Clean Out Your Closets Month but any day is a great day to dive into the depths of your clothes closet...

Aug 1, 2016
It's time to donate the dress
Lately I've found myself staring at a white box. This large, sealed box has been sitting on the same shelf in the laundry area of my...
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