Do you have the desire to rid your home of clutter, pass along sentimental items to family members, and donate unwanted items that no longer have a specific function in your life, or no longer make you happy?
I provide effective solutions, hands-on assistance, and guidance on the basics of organization. I can help you eliminate excess clutter, create processes and systems to fit your needs, and determine an organizing strategy that fits your personality.
I also provide a 'let-me-do-it-for-you' option for areas that require little decision-making, such as pantries, kitchens, closets, and more.

Are you preparing to move and need help decluttering and packing? If you have a move on the horizon, contact me early and I will make the process smooth and pain-free.
Or have you already moved and now lack the time or motivation to unpack and get settled in your new home? I can help get your life back to normal.
I assist clients with move-ins and move-outs year-round, both local and out-of-town.

Are you looking for a speaker for a community event or club meeting? How about a presentation for an employee lunch?
I have presentations and workshops that may fit your needs. If not, we can design one together.
I have also been an instructor for Madison College, teaching an Organizing Basics enrichment course.

Virtual organizing is a process for decluttering and organizing a space using technology (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime etc.).
Virtual organizing can be an alternative to in-person organizing, or used as a supplement with traditional organizing clients. It is a collaborative approach where a plan is developed to achieve a desired outcome based on an initial assessment. Learn more

Do you feel overwhelmed on a regular basis? You may have issues with time management.
I work with clients to overcome common obstacles such as an unrealistic workload, miscalculation of how long activities take, the inability to remember what to do, unclear goals and priorities, distraction, and more.
Do you have physical assets that need to be documented for insurance purposes, or just for your own piece of mind?
No matter the level of detail you want, I work with you to record your possessions (using apps, software, or an old school spreadsheet) and assist you in being prepared for the unexpected.