I recently began working with clients on projects virtually. What is virtual organizing you might wonder? Simply put it's a process for getting organized by using technology (phone, email, Skype, FaceTime, Google Duo etc.).
Virtual organizing can be an alternative to in-person organizing, or used as a supplement with traditional organizing clients. It is a collaborative approach where a plan is developed to achieve a desired outcome based on an initial assessment.
But Virtual Organizing is not for everyone including those who struggle with technology or are not physically able to do the work. It also does not resolve any underlying issues but focuses only on one realistic and attainable project at a time.
The typical Virtual Organizing client is motivated to make a change, has a willingness to learn, and can articulate goals, concerns, and frustrations.
So if you are down the street – or halfway across the globe – and would like to work with me on an organizing project, give me a call at (608) 345-1836.