NAPO Press Release -- Do you ever feel a bit fuzzy in the head, unable to concentrate on the job at hand? It may not be the Monday morning blues but may be connected to how in control of your work and home you believe yourself to be. And, if you’re a woman, that feeling may be stronger.
In a recent national survey of more than 1,200 individuals conducted by the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO), about half of all respondents said that when they feel disorganized, they find it hard to concentrate on current projects, but more female respondents reported feeling stressed from feeling out of control of their environment than men.
The survey shows that women seem more sensitive to the organizational state of their home, with 36.5% of women saying that looking at how organized or disorganized their home is, they feel stressed or completely stressed compared to only 22% of men. In addition, more than half of women respondents (53.7%) report they are unable to concentrate on the work at hand, vs only 45% of men.
Psychologists recognize that clutter, whether at home, in the workplace, or even mental, can impact an individual’s ability to process information efficiently and think clearly.
When people think of clutter impacting an individual’s life, they immediately think of a hoarder, but that isn’t really the case for most individuals. People have different levels of tolerance for disorganization in their lives, and what is acceptable for one person may be intolerable for another.
My best advice to help streamline your environment is don’t wait until you feel out of control to tackle the stressors in your life. Some clients contact me because they are at wit’s end and need a solution to a problem. But for many, it is a form of self-care that allows them to continually function at their best and feel most calm and in control of their lives. For these individuals, it isn’t about crisis, it is a common-sense way to achieve a sense of well-being. It is simply a matter of looking at things with fresh eyes to implement day-to-day behaviors to create the needed change.
If you would like to feel calmer and more relaxed in your space, contact me at (608) 345-1836 or melanie@resetorganizing.com today.