Many people I talk with say they want to "get" organized. But, to me, this implies a one-time thing, such as “get a new bike.”
Some say they need help learning how to "stay" organized, implying that they have tried many times to organize their home or life, and it just didn’t stick.
What many are really seeking is how to "be" organized, or how to set up new systems, change their habits, and live more simply.
Whatever language you use, there are so many benefits of decluttering and organizing.
Here’s my own personal list of 25 benefits based on five categories: physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial.
What would be on your list?
Have fewer things cluttering the space
Be able to find things/know where everything is
Able to relax in the space
Make regular donations to charitable organizations
Pass along sentimental items to others who will want them
Have more time for other activities
Want to spend time in the space
Save money by not having to replace items you know you have
Save time not shopping in-person/online
Able to have people over
Feel in control/like an adult
Clear the mind/not have to think about clutter
Live a more stress-free daily life
Feeling of a job well done
Rid home of negativity/items that bring up negative emotions
Know all items that are living in the home
Spend more time with family and friends
Get more done/be more productive
Better relationships/no arguments over clutter
Rid home of excess that has accumulated
Focus on other things
Host gatherings
Enjoy vacations/not worry about home
Have family and friends be proud of you
Project-free weekends!