How about a 31-day decluttering challenge to start 2022 with less clutter taking up valuable space in your home – and your life? A clutter detox for the new year sounds good to me, are you in?
Below is a list of 31 suggestions for each day of December. On the designated day take 10 minutes to toss, recycle, or place the listed item in a bag/box for donation or sale. If you’re feeling energetic, go ahead and complete a few decluttering tasks all at once.
I guarantee you won’t miss anything on this list in 2022.
Pens and markers that do not work
Magazines more than 6 months old
Chipped dishware
Old hairbrushes and combs
Broken holiday decorations
Cooking utensils you have multiples of
Scarves, hats, mittens, and gloves you never wear
Unknown keys
Makeup that smells, is dried out, or a bad color
Swimsuits with failed elastic
Promotional magnets
Out-of-date spices
Bridesmaid dresses or old uniforms
Cables for electronics you no longer use
College textbooks you never open
Old sponges and cleaning brushes
Phone books
Tote bags and purses you never use
Sample size toiletries from hotels
Old pillows that are just taking up space
Scraps of gift wrap
Promotional t-shirts you never wear
Socks with holes
Stained plastic food storage containers
Toys your pet no longer plays with
Unused vases
VHS tapes of recorded TV shows/movies
Greeting cards from a shower, wedding etc.
Clothing that does not fit
Worn out linens
Unused coffee mugs
Would you like some assistance clearing clutter in 2022? I’m scheduling projects for spring now. Contact me at melanie@resetorganizing.com or call/text (608) 345-1836.