We all have a home office of some sort. A place set aside to pay bills, plan an upcoming event, write a letter, and more.
It can be anything from a large room with a built-in desk and bookshelves, to a corner of the kitchen table and a drawer housing important papers. Whatever it looks like, a designated workspace can definitely help your life run smoother.
March 12 is set aside as Organize Your Home Office Day, a day to take a closer look at your in-home office setup. A day to purge items you no longer need or use, do a deep clean, and get your files in order.
To get started organizing your home office, set a timer and turn on some music, talk radio, or a favorite podcast.
Next, take a good look at your desk area. If it's not a place where you can be productive, generate million-dollar ideas, or organize the baddest bake sale on the block, then it's time to dive in with these four easy-to-follow steps:
Rough sort items into the Big 3 – Keep, Toss and Elsewhere. The Keep pile is for important papers and items you need. The Toss pile can be subdivided into Recycle, Shred and Trash. The Elsewhere pile contains items that should not be on your desk at all – items that belong to others or should be stored in another location.
Clean the desk surface, computer monitor, and keyboard with sanitary wipes and compressed air.
Place items you need regularly (pens, stapler, notepad etc.) within reach on the desk or in a shallow drawer. Use drawer organizers and containers as needed.
File reference papers, and pass along papers that should live permanently with others. Paperwork that remains should be what you are currently working on or items needing action. Consider using a desktop file box to manage incoming mail and papers going forward.
Once you've conquered the desk surface, move on to drawers, shelves, bulletin/white board, and piles on the floor. When the timer buzzes you are done for the day. Schedule another time on your calendar to continue clearing the space if needed.
Finally, to truly maintain the space review your home office setup regularly.
Need some assistance decluttering and organizing your home office? Contact me at melanie@resetorganizing.com or (608) 345-1836.